MileOne Autogroup
General 410-486-5079

MileOne Autogroup

ACS Campaign Update

Thank you for your campaign support so far this year!

We’d like to thank everyone for their support so far this year with the 2016 ACS campaign. Going above and beyond your daily responsibilities to support and contribute to our annual ACS campaign makes a huge difference, and we couldn’t thank you enough for your efforts. We are well on our way to our goal of $325,000 this year and are proud of everyone’s dedication to the cause.

Upcoming Events

  • The annual Making Strides events are just a few weeks away! To register to walk or donate, click here. The MileOne, Hall and MotorWorld sponsored events information are available on this page, as well.
  • The annual MileOne Fundraiser hosted in Baltimore to benefit ACS will be on Sunday, October 23 at Mex, Power Plant Live! At the event, there will be food, drinks and great auction items available.
  • To RSVP to the event, click here. RSVPs must be in by Friday, October 7. (Regrets not necessary.)

Dealership Incentives for Heritage & Silver Spring

Congratulations to the Mercedes-Benz of Annapolis Service Center for winning the August incentive!
Champion Kayla Morris and her team at Mercedes sold 138 car raffle tickets during the month of August.

The incentive prize was attending the Orioles game on Sunday, September 25. The Mercedes crew had access to the Garden Terrace area before the game with free food and drink to celebrate their ACS win; then, they were lucky enough to also celebrate an O’s win! 

The September incentive is coming to a close! The store that raises the most from store fundraising initiatives will win a Breakroom Makeover for their dealership.

For more information on Heritage, Silver Spring and Hall campaign incentives, click here