MileOne Autogroup
General 410-486-5079

MileOne Autogroup

Life in Isolation

Life in isolation is something that we're definitely not used to. We're here to capture some of the different things we never thought we’d say or miss during #socialdistancing and #lockdown.


“Never thought I’d hear myself say Thank God for Xbox.”   - Terra

“Our 20-year old daughter has become our personal chef. We just put in our requests and voila, dinner is served!”  - Terra

“Never thought I’d get on jabber… well, here we are and I admit, it’s helpful.”  - Jenna Steiner

“To some extent I do miss driving – never thought I would say that. And, getting ‘dressed up’ for work.”
- Laura

“I never realized how uncomfortable my dining room chairs were until I spent multiple hours in them. I don’t have an office, so my dining room table has become my work space.”  - Melissa

“I still come into the office every day and I am amazed at how Towson has turned in to a ghost town. During lunch time there are only a few cars that go around the traffic circle. Not to mention how quiet the office is with only Peter, Terra, Mark and myself here.”  - Jean

“I have nobody to pick on or make fun of every day. I’m afraid my quick wit will disappear without the practice. Nice haircut, Hoosh! See, not so funny.”  - Mark