MileOne Autogroup
General 410-486-5079

MileOne Autogroup

Marketing Wins

Here is the latest news to hit the marketing team these past few months.


Well-Performing New Email Concept

Jean, in collaboration with James and Peter, created a new concept and design for MileOne’s August group email. The Summer Mystery Saving Email Movable Ink data showed that 55% of the recipients stayed on the email for more the 15+ seconds. The longer the customer stays on the email, the more likely they were to click on the offer.

Having an interactive GIF (such as the slot machine animation in the Summer Mystery Saving Email) helped grab the customer’s attention and the information that is being presented to them. 

Movable Ink Data: Hall









Movable Ink Data: MotorWorld









Movable Ink Data: Heritage








Viviana Performs Scheherazade

Impressively, Viviana has been playing the violin since she was 6 years old and has been an orchestra member since the age of 8. She recently joined a new community orchestra.

The first concert she performed with this group was comprised of more secular music, such as scores from Star Wars and West Side Story. This past performance was comprised of “Scheherazade” by Rimsky-Korsakov, a more classic piece also known as “The Arabian Nights”, which is known for its key juxtaposition and distinct orchestration of melodies. In layman’s terms, it’s a challenging piece to play, and our girl did a terrific job nailing it as one of the first chair violinists.

“As a performer, you’re always hard on yourself,” Viviana pointed out, “and think you can do better, but together as a community volunteer orchestra we sounded amazing. I really enjoy being a part of this community.”

Housing Updates

‘Tis the season for new houses and house updates!

Kate became a first time homeowner!

Melissa moved into a larger home, which is still on Gilman’s campus, at the beginning of May - just enough time to settle and nest before baby Jace got here!

Jenna’s 2+ month kitchen renovation project was finally completed in May. Her husband took on the entire project himself so well done Mr. Chaney!

Katrina sold her house and moved into a new home in the beginning of the summer! Speaking of kitchen renovations, the entire first floor, including the kitchen, was completely renovated, so the Pemberton clan ate mostly takeout and soup until July.

Babies are Born… and On the Way!

Welcome babies Jace Tully, Jack Freeman, Landon Szarka and Kendall Wolfe.

Jace Tully, May 26


Jack Freeman, June 7


Landon Szarka, August 18


Kendall Wolfe, October 1



The marketing team isn’t done! We’ll be welcoming baby Lindak into the marketing team next spring!